Sunday, June 23, 2024

Nick Lowe & Ron Sexsmith Live in Sherwood Park June 13th 2024


 Well I have been extremely slow on doing this review, so it's not going to be much of a review. 

 My buddy A-Bomb and I went to this show out inn Sherwood Park a suburb of Edmonton to see Ron Sexsmith and Nick Lowe at Festival Place. I was really looking forward to this show as I had never seen Nick Lowe in concert before and have really got into his music in the past couple of years. But with the Edmonton Oilers in the Stanley Cup final and this show being on the same day as game three it was a tough choice about going to the show. But we went, good thing too as the Oilers lost game three.

 Anyways, the show opened with Ron Sexsmith doing a solo set. He was good but I got a bit bored and had to take a piss, and with our seats right in the middle of our row, well once I got up and bothered everyone so that I could use the washroom, I didn't want to bother everyone again coming back to my seat. Therefore I only saw half of his set.

Ron Sexsmith.

 After Ron it was time for Nick Lowe to hit the stage. I was kind of disappointed that it was only gonna be Nick with no back up band. Nonetheless he did put on a good show. Nick sounded great and played a wide variety of songs from his catalog of music. I'll be honest I only have a few of his albums, them being Pure Pop For Now People and Labour Of Lust. He did a couple from the Labour album "With Out Love" and of course he had to play "Cruel To Be Kind" in which Ron Sexsmith joined Nick on stage for a half dozen songs, that being one of them. Nick also did a Bee Gees song "Heartbreaker" and he also did "I Knew The Bride (When She Used To Rock And Roll)" and then closing the night out with "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding". All and all a pretty good show. Good times!!!

Nick Lowe.

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