Monday, July 29, 2024

July 29th


 On July 29th, 1998 I saw Big Sugar play the Shaw Conference Centre here in Edmonton. This was a free show as it was a make up show for a previous show a few weeks before that got cancelled part way through. This was a win to get in show that was a promotional contest put on by Labatt Blue (Out Of The Blue). The show that got cancelled was held at a airplane hangar at the downtown airport. The day of the show it rained like a motherfucker making the outside of the hangar a mud pit which eventually made the inside of the venue a mud pit. And at the venue as part of the promo, Labatt Blue beer was only a dollar a can. The amount of beer consumed at the original event was insane. The hangar venue had all kinds of technical issues with their generator and sound system, to the point where about 5-6 songs into Big Sugar's set they called off the show. Disappointing yes, good time had nonetheless though. Much to my surprise (Out of the Blue) a week after the hangar show I got this letter in the mail for this Big Sugar make up show. Way more organized and civil. And beers were three dollars at this show. Good times!!!

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