Saturday, October 19, 2019

Real Sickies Live in Edmonton October 5th 2019

A few weeks ago my buddy Buzzard and I went to the Real Sickies show at the Temple. I was surprised Buzzard wanted to come to this show as it was a punk show, and that's not up his alley at all, but he took the chance and came along.

The show was headlined by Edmonton's Real Sickies, with the rest of the line-up also being Edmonton bands.

The first band of the night was Chairman, I had never heard of them before, but was there in time to catch all the bands. Chairman weren't my kind of music but did have to laugh when near the end of their set the lead singer left the stage briefly and then came out dressed in a Santa Claus outfit carrying a black garbage bag. That was when he started to throw hands full of cigarettes (Rothmans) into the audience, by my guess I would say he threw a couple hundred smokes out. At first I had no idea what he was throwing then quickly realized they were smokes. Needless to say all the smokers in the audience got to smoke for free for the night. Can't say I've ever seen that at a show before.


Next was Jazz Cigarette which is a three piece band consisting of Cody on bass, Tyler on guitar and Eric on drums. I recognized the drummer Eric from the band Languid in which he is the lead singer, but in this band he is the drummer, a damn good one at that too. I really enjoyed their set, a mix of Motorhead spirited music with some jamming involved. Songs titles like "Black Leather Hell", "Blasting Tunes On Weed", and "Black Out Drunk With Satan" gives you an idea of what kind of band they are. They really got the crowd going. I would certainly go see these guys again for sure.

Jazz Cigarette.

Next up was Chips Ov Oi, an Edmonton punk band that sing mostly about cookies and pogoing. They have a couple of albums out with titles like Make Pogo Great Again and Oh No! Ogopogo!. I had heard of this band before and was looking forward to checking them out. They didn't disappoint, short two minute Oi punk songs with titles like "Turnin' Trix (For Chocolate Chips)", "Smash A Cookie (In Your Beer)", "Punk Drunk Oi!", "Oh No! Ogopogo", "Pogo I'm In Love" and "Chocolate Chips (Not Fish and Chips)". So you get the idea of what their songs are about, cookies, pogo and Oi. They were a very fun band to see and had the crowd pogoing and slam dancing and singing along. They obviously have a great following in the city as the venue got a little fuller and the audience were singing along and having a great time. I enjoyed their set and will be looking to pick up their album.

Chips Ov Oi.

Headlining the night was the Real Sickies playing a homecoming record release party. The band had just returned from a cross country tour promoting their new album Out Of Space released on Stomp Records. By the time they hit the stage the Temple was quite full and everyone had a good buzz on by then. This would be my fifth time seeing the Real Sickies in concert, and they just keep getting better each time. Led by Ben Disaster on vocals, the man can sing and has so much energy up there on stage. Their music could be summed up as old school punk a lot like the Ramones and Teenage Head.

This time around Real Sickies had a keyboard player playing with them, I believe this was the first time he had played live with the band. he had recorded with them but not played in a live setting. He sounded great, not overwhelming. The band played a lot of the new album, which in my opinion is even better then their first album Get well Soon. Some of the songs I recognized were the title song "Out Of Space", "Not A Lifer" which had the rowdy crowd singing along, "Got Me Running", "It Came From Above", "Something Good" and many more. All and all a fun night of punk rock music, not too sure my buddy Buzzard enjoyed himself but he stuck it out. Good times!!!

Real Sickies.

T-shirt front.


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