Saturday, June 27, 2009

Canadian Carnage Tour

Last night June 26th 2009 a Friday, yes, finally a show on a weekend, was the Canadian Carnage tour here in Edmonton with the mighty Slayer and Megadeth touring together for the first time in 15 years. This would have been awesome 15 years ago, and actually it was good now as well. Just would have been better 15 years ago, I think I am getting old. After a while it all just starts to sound like noise, but nonetheless this was the perfect show for me at this time in my life. I will always love the heavy shit, just not so sure I can take hours of it anymore.
This show was a four band bill, I missed the first band Suicide Silence, but was there in time for Machine Head, which did nothing for me at all, ya they were heavy and had some good riffs, but not really knowing there music, I wasn't able to get into them.
But up next was Megadeth, this was my 5th time seeing Megadeth, and they haven't changed a bit. Good ol' thrashing metal shit, old classics, one new song, and lots of head banging and pumping of fists. They played for an hour and rocked the fuck out.
Next up and headlining, I guess Slayer and Megadeth are switcing back and forth, co headling tour, as Megadeth headlined in Vancouver according to my bro. I was very happy to see Slayer headline here, not that they played any longer then they did in Van. One hour set per band for Slayer and Megadeth. But holy motherfucker did Slayer lay it all on the line( 3rd time seeing Slayer), these guys still fucking go all out in the thrash metal department. There were no breaks for small talk or fuck all, just all out metal massacre shit, good times. They too, did one new song, which was awesome and am very looking forward to hearing there new album.
What an insane crowd for this show which should come as no surprise, considering the kind of music they play and the kind of people that relate to the all out metal assault. I was lucky enough to run into a ticket scalper I have known for many years and have dealt with off and on. I had decent seat for the show, but who the fuck wants to sit at a show like this, he traded me straight across for a general admission ticket. Which was fucking sweet, makes smoking dope easier and fucking head banging and moshing way easier. Ya, I got caught in the mosh a few times, good times!!!! Reminded me of the old days. And as for the dope, wow, I must say there was no lack of pot at this show and few treats too, thanks to whom ever passed me the coco puff,mmmm, that was a nice touch. At one point , I had to say no to the dubes flowing around, I know when enough is enough, but wow, have to admit, I was fucked up by the end of the show.
At the end of the night, I wasn't so sure what I really thought of the whole show, but now that it is the following day, and I sit back and think, that was an incredible double bill. Fuckin' good times. The train ride home was brutal. I don't think I have ever had such a dry mouth in my life, I couldn't even talk, I believe my lips were stuck together. Thank goodness for all night Mac's stores and water :)
Here is a quote from my Bro about the Vancouver show, and he is straight edge.
"The crowd was insane! I think i got a contact high from all the weed in the air. Seriously as the show was getting closer to be done all i could think about was how badly i wanted an iced tea and a big bag of plain lays salted potato chips. Man, just thinking about the salt.. and how refreshing the iced tea would be... man i was tweaking! When the show ended i pretty much ran to the 7-11 a block away, and pretty much chugged the iced tea only taking breaks to stuff the chips in my face. It really hit the spot." Captain Citrus
As for the beer they sell at the Coliseum, that shit is goof juice, for 7 or 8 bucks a beer, well it should be. But wow, that shit sent me flying. All and all a really good time. I would rate this show a 7 out of 10. Good fucking time.


  1. Good review, and nice to see that you were close enough to get good pictures!! What's that VIP pass in the first picture? Was that the floor pass? Out here you got a wrist band i believe.

  2. Ya, the VIP pass was a floor pass.
