Tuesday, August 21, 2012

SNFU Book Review

I just finished reading the book "SNFU - What No One Else Wanted To Say" written by Chris Walter and published through his own Go Fuck Yerself Press. This is a book about a punk band called SNFU who got there start here in Edmonton back in the early 80's but is now based in Vancouver. I wasn't a fan of the band back in their hey days which was the 80's, as I was more a metal head then a punk rocker. Over the years I have grown to respect the band and the music they put out over the years.

The book is well written and follows the band through the past 30 years. What I found really interesting is all the stuff about lead singer Chi Pig (Ken Chinn), this man has been through a hell of a lot, between traveling the world, and North America many times over, he has also had to fight battles with alcohol and drug abuse, record labels, band members (there has been 22 different members play in SNFU) and also mental health issues. The book isn't just about Chi Pig though, as there is a lot about all the members,especially the Belke Brothers.

If you are interested in learning more about Chi Pig, there is a documentary out about him called "Open Your Mouth And Say...Mr.Chi Pig". It is a great documentary and well worth checking out.

Chris Walter the author of the SNFU book is a Vancouver punk rocker who has wrote at least twenty different books to do with the punk genre and lifestyle. This is the first book I have read by Chris Walter but I will be sure to read more of his books.

Chris Walter will be here in Edmonton at a bar called DV8 Tavern on Friday September 14th promoting the SNFU book "What No One Else Wanted To Say". There will also be three bands playing this night including Zero Cool, The Mange and Rebuild Repair.

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